Goodwill offers European and American standard pulleys, as well as matching bushings and keyless locking devices. Kompýuterlere ajaýyp laýyklygy üpjün etmek we ygtybarly elektrik geçirijiini üpjün etmek üçin ýokary ülňüleri öndürýärler. Mundan başga-da, hoşniýetlilikde guýuň, polat, möhür kagyzlary we IDler kelleinlerini goşmak bilen ýörite pullary hödürleýär. We have advanced custom manufacturing capabilities to create tailor-made pulley solutions based on specific requirements and application environments. In order to meet the diverse needs of customers, in addition to the electrophoretic painting, phosphating, and powder coating, Goodwill also provides surface treatment options such as painting, galvanizing, and chrome plating. Bu ýerüsti bejergiler, goşulan şertnamalary we özüne iň ussat berip biler.
Yzygiderli material: yzygiderli material: tutady demir, dukile demir, çukur demir, c45, SPHC
Elektroforetiki surat, poShodyrmak, poroşok örtmek, SinC Platinging