
  • Şahtlar


    Bileleşigimiz bilen binam önümçiliginde tejribämiz bilen, müşderiniň anyk talaplaryny kanagatlandyrmak üçin giň ýollary hödürleýäris. Elýeterli materiallar ugleron polat, poslamaýan polat, mis we alýumindir. At Goodwill, we have the capability to produce all types of shafts including plain shafts, stepped shafts, gear shafts, spline shafts, welded shafts, hollow shafts, worm and worm gear shafts. All the shafts are produced with the highest precision and attention to detail, ensuring optimum performance and reliability in your application.

    Yzygiderli material: uglerod polis, poslamaýan polat, mis, alýumin